What is FEIT Code anyway?

How many times did you have to wait to find out whether you passed that coding exam? Maybe the computer you were working on glitches and you lose progress? It's all needlessly long and stressful right?

FEIT Code aims to fix all of those issues for you and more... It has the goal to make it easier on both Students and Teachers to take and make coding exams.

That's nice, but how will FEIT Code
help me?

Good question. It depends on whether you are a Student or a Teacher, so which one are you?

Okay I'm sold. How does it work though?

  1. 1

    Sign up for a course

    Choose from a list of programming-related FEIT courses and sign up for it.

  2. 2

    Take the exam

    Take exams in the FEIT Code IDE. Enjoy features just like the ones in your local IDE!

  3. 3

    Get instant feedback

    Run your code in the IDE and see how it does against the tests setup for the task.

  4. 4

    Submit & Track the status

    Track the status of your submission, get notified when your task is being graded.

Supported Languages

We support various programming languages for your coding exams, providing great flexibility for both Students and Teachers respectfully

more coming soon

👋 Hello World, I'm Daniel

Creator of FEIT Code
Web Developer @ TestDevLab
Fan of bad puns

I love making cool stuff on the web

From making games, to nice looking websites and snappy web apps, I do it all and try my best to have fun while doing it.

I also teach JavaScript and Computer Science courses, feel free to check em out!